Monday, May 19, 2008

Spring! Warm weather and time to BBQ!

As you can imagine... we are overjoyed with our new-found freedom in outdoor living! We bought ourselves a new BBQ to celebrate our first week of 20-30 degrees and invited Marg McKenzie (friend of 'laine Patton and originally from Winchelsea) over for our very first BBQ. We had "Bison Burgers". They were really great.

We had a little laugh this week when our usual morning radio announcer said he couldn't sleep for the heat, I suppose it was warmer than you'd have your furnace eh!

The elm leaves are coming out on the trees in the back yard, what a contrast to three weeks ago when we had a sudden cold snap of -20 with 4 days of snow... now this! It makes me stop wondering why Albertans are more obsessed by the weather than Victorians. It can be such a contrast from one week to the next. On Friday night we stayed up to watch the Geelong v Richmond game and enjoyed seeing everyone freeze at the G! It's just so nice to have the shoe on the other foot.

So, what do we do with our new found freedom? Well, the sun stays up late to add to this, so we go for walks in our neighbourhood, we play tennis at the courts over the road, or we enjoy games on the swings in our beautiful playground. Simple fun really.

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