Sunday, December 23, 2007

Farewell Johnstons!

Amanda, Will, Jack and George headed back to Oz today after their year on exchange here in Alberta. We had breakfast at the airport with them and waved them off on a chilly -20 morning. It was brilliant having friends here to help get around Edmonton and meet some new people through them... thanks J's see you back in Oz.
Align Center

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Skiing in the suburbs of Edmonton

Just enjoy that snow... it's not going anywhere!

We visited a nice little ski hill at "Snow Valley" today to get our legs ready for our big trip to Jasper and Banff next week (over Christmas and New Year). It's a 5 minute drive from our house and it's effectively the same as life where we would go to Torquay for a quick dip.

I'm going to add a couple of pics... I took a photo of Alec this week as I sat in the car (as it warmed up) and he scraped off the ice... I took this photo because the ice is really pretty.

Something we enjoy doing is squirting the windshield with water to clean it and then watch the residue freeze across the windscreen. If you're wondering... yes there is "antifreeze" in the windscreen cleaning fluid!

Another picture here is the crabapple tree in the back yard, so pretty with snow! I'm told that the birds eat them over winter and fly into windows as they are drunk on the fermented fruit.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Preparing for Christmas

Oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree...

It's so hard to feel Christmas-y when it's Winter!!!... but as Christmas fast approaches we finally got into the spirit and decorated our beautiful tree.

We were happy to have retrieved our ornaments from storage as they made us feel a bit "homely". The tree is real by the way! Wish we had smell-o-vision!

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Alberta Newsletter Volume 1 Edition 4... Let it snow!

Let it snow and let's go skiing!

Brr! Can you believe it, it was 30 below as we skied at Marmot Basin on the weekend with the Johnstons!!! To be honest, with our balaclavas and hats and goggles we looked like we were about to head off to rob a bank rather than woosh down a hill!!! It was fantastic nonetheless and after finishing one run (or maybe two runs for the really brave) we'd head indoors to thaw out and then go out again. They say only mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun, well I think there should be a saying about mad cats and Aussies going out skiing in 30 below... well you do have the mountain to yourself! Johnston family pictured here saying their final sad goodbye to Marmot Basin after a year in Canada on Teacher exchange...

The Rocky Mountains are truly spectacular. Each time we took a photo we'd look at the digital image and say "oh, that doesn't quite capture it" and try again, you cannot capture the enormity, the expanse the sheer grandeur of the place.

Some wildlife wandered across our path on our way home and as a semi-trailer was headed our way we slowed to a stop to let the mountain sheep have their side of the road and the truck have his side.
After skiing we returned to work and school for another week and our favourite past time has now become "Hot tubbing" after dinner and before bed. If you get cold at all on the way home you know that sitting in the hot tub will fix anything (it's set at 40 degrees) and you really sleep well.

Alec has become quite proficient at keeping safe paths for us at the front and back door, with his new, ergonomic (OT approved) snow shovel :-) Every morning he heads out the door to clear the path of any fresh snow, scrape the ice off the windshield and windows and warm the car to bearable level for the kids. We're always delighted to find someone's drink bottle in the car frozen solid from sitting outside all night. They stay frozen all day too if you don't take them inside, it's great for shopping as the food cannot possibly go "off".

Friday night was a real treat, we were given four seats to see the Hockey game and see the Edmonton Oilers (pron Oy-el-ers) and although they didn't win, they have a new fan in Will! The special at the merchandise store that night happened to be Team Jerseys, so he got an early Christmas present...

Unfortunately that night Alec and Sam were in our first Edmonton fender bender, we can presume the other guy was drunk or in a stolen car... his headlights were off and he drove off in a huge rush! We visited the police the next day to report the incident and gave them the pieces of the guy's front bumper bar left on the back of ours. Our steel rear bumber now has a big 'V' in it.

So, with colder weather now the norm (it's been around the minus 12 to minus 20 range for three weeks now) we're enjoying the new routines of snow plows coming out to clear the roads and put down "grit" to make it less slippery. It's all just so novel. I'm sure the locals think we're hilarious, especially when we take a snap shot of a snow plow on Whyte Avenue.

Alberta Newsletter Volume 1 Edition 3

Hello again one and all! Here is the third installment. Have you noticed the time span spreading between editions? That is a clear sign that we are either too busy to write or less interesting things are happening!

A bit of both really!

Over the past few weeks a few things have changed. The weather for one! We’ve had several days of snow recently and the temperatures now tend to stay below zero both day and night. We’ve had our first minus 12 night and minus 8 walking to work. Even though it is cold, I have to say… Edmonton is prettier “in white” If you ever want to check the current weather situation in our neck of the woods go to this link: weather network. Right now it is minus 12 with light snow and it feels like minus 20! The Feels Like component of the weather is to do with wind chill. That’s what you have to dress for.

The last few weeks have really been spent setting up a routine. Will has started indoor tennis twice a week and is in a good squad. Sam goes to Gymfest twice a week and “Cheer” once a week. Anita and Alec have not found a sporting past-time yet! The days are so short and the kids are the priority. Our time will come.

With the development of routine comes a certain comfort plus a measure of inevitability for us all… ie: this is a big move and a long time away from the known and the familiar. Yes, a fair degree of homesickness kicked in over the past three weeks as well.

The known, the loved and the familiar are what keep people where they are, and that is a good thing really. We are seeking this in our new lives I suppose, while trying to keep a balance of keeping ourselves exposed to the new, the exciting and the different!

Edmonton is a big city with lots of shopping opportunities, but really what we are craving is some time to appreciate what Canada really has to offer! We are eagerly awaiting next weekend as we will finally venture into the great Canadian outdoors… The Rocky Mountains. Will and Amanda Johnston (Geelong College friends here on exchange) have arranged a weekend away for us all at Marmot Basin in Jasper National Park to ski and drink hot chocolate!!!! Sam has new snowboarding boots and we’re looking for a “cool” snowboard for her to ride… Will has new ski boots and will use last year’s ski’s (Anita has inherited last year’s boots from him) and Alec is on the look out for a new pair of boots. Fortunately, our shipment finally arrived on Thursday this week just passed, so all our other ski gear (including our own beautiful skis) will be able to be picked up from storage some day this week. Let’s hope we can find it!!!

So, some fun stuff has happened (alongside the routine). Alec went to the Hockey last week and saw the Edmonton Oilers defeat the Vancouver Canucks. Tomorrow Anita gets her chance J We have some great friends who have taken us to the Canadian Footy and now to the hockey. The kind of people you hope you’d meet in a new country. So all I can say is “Go Oilers”. In other Canadian sports news, today the Grey Cup was played, this is the Grandfinal of the Canadian football season. The Saskatchewan Roughriders defeated the Winnipeg Bluebombers. It just made me want to watch our copy of the AFL grandfinal again.

Last weekend we met up with some friends from Vancouver (the McCutcheons) and helped out with Jo and Alex’s Groove Street dance workshop. We had dinner with Sue on Saturday night and then on Sunday Sam and Anita helped sell merchandise to some of the 475 participants in the weekend dance workshop!!! Who are the McCutcheons??? They are a lovely Canadian family who lived in Mulgrave when Anita was growing up there in the late 70’s early 80’s. They moved back to Canada and our families stayed in touch over the 20 years that followed. I think they are a lot to blame for Anita wanting to live in Canada.

We have a new addition to the family… Our Chevrolet Tahoe. It has leather seats that has heated seats added by the previous owner… day three of ownership… we left the heated seats on and drained the battery! A quick call to the AMA (yep the RACV) meant that we could join and get help in 45 minutes. We were lucky that it had stopped snowing at that stage of the day. Hmmmm! Needless to say, we now have a loud checklist upon exiting the car… CAR SEATS TURNED OFF!

Alec has made some great contacts at the University of Alberta and will be teaching four subjects in semester 2. This starts on January 7th 2008. The irony is Anita has a full time job and will have less contact teaching time than Alec in a sessional position. The good things is that Alec will not be teaching in Summer and will therefore be home with the kids when school breaks up for two months! A long way off now, but nice to know eh!

The kids have made a couple of nice friends. Sam moreso than Will at this stage. Photo attached of Sam on a ride with her new friend Nicki. They are at Galaxyland at the West Edmonton Mall.

Alberta Newsletter Volume 1 Edition 2

Hi again and welcome to the second edition of the Alberta Newsletter. The past two weeks have just flown by and it has been really tiring, so we haven’t had a chance to write a newsy update. So much happens when you’re getting lost in a new city and a new life. We caught up with our friends in Barrhead... here's the road to Barrhead

Kids start school Will and Sam started school on Monday 15th October, so that’s two weeks ago now. Sam is in Grade 6 and Will is in Grade 8. They have found they are of average age and the work is well within their capabilities, so that’s a relief as we were worried about the jump!

Sam’s teacher is Ms Antoniuk and she is very good. Sam has a lot of project work to complete at night and she also has to complete regular book reports in a creative manner (such as make a commercial, create an ad, write a song or just deliver a thorough report). At the moment the theme in grade 6 is the environment and Sam has been able to apply a lot of her year 4 enviro knowledge from Geelong College to this Unit. Outside of school Sam has decided to resume gymnastics as she would like to be able to join the cheer leading squad at school. She’s doing a type of group gymnastics called “Gymfest” as this leads to the skills she’ll need for cheerleading such as acrobatics and choreographed movement.

Will is in grade 8, he does Maths, Language Arts (English), Drama, PE, Science, Social Studies, TV Production and Writing, French, Health. He has had a lot of homework too but is managing with some “gentle” guidance from his parents. Will is missing footy and tennis and is looking for somewhere to channel his energy. Waterpolo seemed like a good idea until we heard that it was training 5 mornings a week! Come on… as if we’re doing that! Icehockey has very similar requirements… plus you need to be able to skate. Other options include volleyball and La Crosse. So, watch this space on that decision!

Kids being invited out. The kids at the Vic have warmly welcomed Will and Sam to the school and the friendship groups. Will has also been receiving mysterious phone calls from girls! Will was invited to Galaxyland at the West Edmonton Mall with a group of kids from his school. Every month there is the equivalent to a “Bluelight Disco” at Galaxyland, run by the police and for kids aged 12-17 (or Grade 7-11). There are metal detectors etc at the door as there were 1200 kids at this event. There is a dance floor so they can dance, go on any of the rides or just “hang out”. Will was so rapt to be there and wants to go every month! We couldn’t wipe the smile from his face for a few days (daze).

We had our first family event this week… Sammy’s birthday! Sam happened to be out on a sleep-over on the night before her own birthday, then she had another birthday party to attend at Build a Bear at the West Edmonton Mall. So we picked her up, said happy birthday to her and then delivered her to another party before finally celebrating Sam’s birthday as a family over dinner Alec and I also enjoyed our cross country trips being taxi drivers for the day and finding out even more about Edmonton!

The big event for Sam’s birthday was her HUGE present. We finally allowed her to get her ears pierced. As we live in the equivalent to Brunswick the choices for where to get her ears done was one of three body piercing and tattooing shops (now there’s an experience for an entire newsletter!!!!!!) Will and Alec went from place to place and chose the one they felt most comfortable with… So Lexcy explained the difference between using a piercing gun and using a needle and we decided to go ahead… the needle is better by far! Sam now has very modern style silver sleepers in her ears and in 4-6 weeks she can pop in some stud earrings. Sam also happened to get lots of presents for her birthday. Converse runners (x2), a ROXY watch and a T-shirt, a winter hat and gloves, and a gift voucher. Sam also received presents from Australia… which made her very happy (thanks!).

Costco: The phenomenon! Something we were not quite prepared for was the phenomenon of Costco… the right to buy IN BULK! Can you imagine buying catering packs of everything? Well everyone can (and does…by the size of the shoppers we saw!) and this store does not just have food, it sells computers, fridges, clothes, pharmacy products and even Portmeirion china (Duncan)! You can even buy an engagement ring, a motorbike and a family pass to Disneyland. It is truly a one-stop shop! The down side… it is crowded, many people are in a buying frenzy and you feel like you must BUY BUY BUY! In fact, that’s the feeling you get if you watch TV here too… BUY BUY BUY! Aghh. We watched the movie “Employee of the month”

Halloween preparation Canada, like the US is Halloween crazy. There are decorations everywhere, people are having costume parties and of course on Wednesday 31st October everyone will go trick or treating. We’ve been told to buy the kids a costume that can go over their very warmest clothes as it is usually a pretty cold night! We’ve stocked up on wrapped candy and chocolates for the expected rush at our door! We’re not quite sure how many bits of chocolate or candy to give to each person.

The “Pep Rally” Another North American phenomenon! This week we went to the kids school to see the Pep rally. “What’s that” I hear you ask! Well, this is a school event to rally school pride. All the kids from kinder (prep) to grade 8 came to the school gymnasium and every team, club and group did a short performance. The whole event was loud and exciting, the gym lights were down, the stage lights were up and flashing, the music up-beat and the pace FAST! The senior cheer leaders are the current world champions, so they were amazing!!!!! I thought one girl was going to hit the roof she flew so high! We were impressed to see the range of clubs and activities showcased, plus the fact they also talked about their fantastic Grades in last year’s Grade 12 results. It seems to be a pretty amazing place. Only draw back for Will is lack of SPORT!

Choosing a new routine one of the nicest thing about leaving your old life is deciding what you want to do with your new one. We’re taking it as slowly as we can and just enjoying NOT having a routine, expectations and demands… they’ll come soon enough. You can spent time doing things like… raking leaves!

House hunting ultimately we would like a house of our own, somewhere where we have our things and feel like we belong, so we are house hunting online and in real life in the spare time around work and getting life in order. We have not decided on a neighbourhood yet but have narrowed it down to where we are renting, nearer the kids’ school and somewhere in between.

Banks! Don’t start me! This has been the worst thing about getting settled… it’s so hard to get a bank account opened up, there are just so many hurdles placed in our way. You can’t present at a bank with a passport and your newly issued Social Insurance Number to open an account, they also want a utility bill in your name to prove where you live, well we are renting someone else’s house and the utility bills are in their names! So how do you get around that? A mobile phone is not sufficient, the landlord won’t change the names on the bills, the option has come down to... open an account with a newer style bank who have lower levels of expectation about ID… so we’ve done that and found that one of their policies is that when they open an account for people “like us” they hold your money for 7 days. That means when we get money sent from our ANZ via the currency company it is not available for 7 working days! It is ridiculous. Not only that but we can only take out $200 cash each per day and $200 EFT a day each, so what if you want to buy something big? You need a cheque book, ordered 12 days ago and it hasn’t arrived AGHH! So, we’re changing banks and they are waiting on a cheque from the cheque book from the first bank, a letter from my previous employer, a letter from the ANZ and a copy of my work contract… That’s all!!! It is so important to have a bank account because it means you can get your pay from work, get your license, get a car, get insured, you name it… it all hinges on getting a bank account with a cheque book

What’s coming up?

Skiing: We’ve booked a holiday in Jasper for Christmas and Banff for New Year, 6 days in each! We are also going to Jasper for the first weekend in December so we started buying second hand gear for the kids today.

Work: Alec meets with the Educational Psychology Department at the UofA tomorrow to talk about his teaching role there come January. Anita is already at work and assisting in a range of subjects while negotiating her workload (oh yes, and still finishing Deakin work).

Weather: Soon the weather will get seriously cold! Anita bought a lovely long down coat with hood this week. Can’t wait to have to wear it .

Bye for now, love from Anita, Alec, Will and Sam.

Alberta Newsletter Volume 1 Edition 1

First Impressions
Hi all, I suppose you think it’s been quiet now that we are out of the country… well that won’t last! Here comes the first of many instalments about the life and times of the Hammos in Canada eh!

This week has flown, we have achieved a huge amount and are gradually overcoming the jet lag and finding our energy returning. One might argue that we have contributed to our own fatigue with all the running around this week, but to be honest, it helps us sleep at night J

Our initial impressions were of a fairly flat and dull city, the road from the airport to Edmonton is somewhat like driving up the Geelong road to Melbourne and turning off at the Footscray Rd exit. It is a wide highway and after the farming areas it has lots of large stores and warehouses.

As you get into the neighbourhoods the streets are prettier as they tend to be tree-lined. There are a lot of one way streets, so learning how to navigate between point A and point B has been interesting. The houses are really different from Geelong/Melbourne. Many neighbourhoods have streets and streets of houses all the same, with architecture similar to Norlane (Bea-uuuutiful!), other areas have houses with traditional architecture such as these here.

We live opposite a pretty little park, so our outlook is great. The autumn trees are just lovely. Lots of yellows right now and other trees with reds and red berries. With the wind the other day we lost quite a lot of leaves and the kids found it really fun to play in the leaves. Even putting them into the big bags to be carted away was fun, perhaps because it was novel

So far we have ventured around the city, visited several malls and spent a whole day at the West Edmonton Mall in the World Waterpark. It was lovely to be in water and the waves made us almost homesick… the chlorine was a dead give away though and a constant reminder that this was a pool. There were so many large slides it was phenomenal. The kids made us go down some… Alec more than Anita. Alec even “got air” on one of the slides… everyone was impressed. It was funny being in this massive pool complex with viewing windows from the large Mall. You realise what it would be like to be a penguin trapped in a zoo in a simulated arctic environment.

It has been a juggling act keeping the kids entertained to a satisfactory level while getting the administrative requirements completed. Things like getting a Social Insurance Number (yes, it’s a SIN) and a hire car, arranging a bank account, getting a cell phone and so on is all quite time consuming. We try to do something fun mixed with the boring stuff to keep the kids on side.

A really big highlight was visiting the kids’ school. We decided not to send them to school until next week as they really have not got through jet lag easily. They are still sleeping to 10am and still needing every minute. They will have to get up one hour earlier each day on Saturday then Sunday to be ready for Monday. Our first impressions of the school were “It’s huge” and “it’s not that attractive” but once inside and meeting the teachers and seeing the students in the hallways and interacting with each other it was easy to see that it is a really happy place. When we got to Sam’s class we met her lovely teacher and the kids were all working in small groups on the floor out in the hallway etc… a couple came into the classroom and said “is this Samantha?... we’ve been waiting for you!” What a relief for us all to know they were waiting and wanted her to arrive! They had a desk sitting waiting and a locker with her name on it. They are SO keen to meet her, hear her talk and ask all about Australia. One girl was just so excited she was smiling at Sam, kind of wringing her hands asked her to join her group’s activity straight away. They were very cute! Sam was taller than quite a few of them. Yay! Sam is really excited to start on Monday.

Will enjoyed what he saw too and is quite calm about the whole thing. Grade 8 kids don’t have a home room. You arrive, put your bag and books in your locker and then go to your first class. The timetable is 5x 1hour classes per day with 7 minutes between classes to change books at your locker. You should have seen some the girls checking him out in the hallways, Alec and I just had to chuckle! There are 6 girls to every 4 boys in his year level.

Oh yes. The school fees are to die for! $500 for the two of them for the year, books are returned at the end of the year, oh and it includes lunch for Samantha in the canteen, so we said “yes” to every option available… the fees actually could have been less!

So, of course, you’re wondering how the driving is going! Well, Alec has done most of the driving as he will go and get his Alberta license soon. We cannot get reasonable car insurance without an Alberta License. We’re talking $2,000 versus $7,000 per annum!!!!!!!!!!!!! The driving is going well, but it’s when you relax that you turn a corner and head to the wrong side of the road… it hasn’t happened yet as we are always on the look out for each other. The kids have been VERY good in the car, quiet when we need it.

We’re looking at buying a Chevy Tahoe (in Navy Blue colour) second hand through a friend at work whose neighbour wants to sell one of his many vehicles! He’s only asking around $6000 and it is the top of the range with leather seats with seat warmers and CD player and all sorts of mod cons we didn’t know about 11 years ago! It will get us through the Rockies just fine! We can’t buy a car until we have insurance though! So we may miss this opportunity. There’s $20,000 more to spend on the house!

So that’s been our week. Tomorrow we are going to the football at Commonwealth Stadium and on Sunday we are going to visit Will Johnson and family. For those of you who don’t know, Will is a teacher from Geelong College who is on exchange this year here in Canada and is about 1 ½ hours North of Edmonton in Barrhead. They are here until December, so we thought we’d better visit them quickly in case we missed out seeing them. It will be great to take a long drive and out of the city. The kids will enjoy listening to Aussie accents after this week.

Well, that’s it for the first instalment. Feel free to reply or just hit the delete button… J Also, feel free to pass this message along to others who may not have received it (thanks).

Take care and enjoy the warm weather. It’s already zero at night here and a warm 12 during the day.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The House gets Packed Up

Hi one and all this is my first attempt at a blog. Anita no doubt has dabbled a little and I'm not certain about the kids! Well the house is now packed and on the now attached. Life is somewhat more simple but with the grand final looming upon the Hamilton family, life is never simple!

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