Monday, May 18, 2009


In April 2009 we had a try at curling at the Saville Centre, Edmonton.
They call it a funspiel which means "fun play"

House renovation, the journey so far...

As many of you know, we are renovating the basement and kitchen. It started awhile back and has been happening in spare minutes around work, studies and kids' lives. This three-day weekend we made excellent progress on the kitchen and even had time to share it!
PS: typing errors throughout the slide show are embarrassing but this was a rushed effort!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Ottawa (aah-da-waa)

This week Anita went to Ottawa to present at the Canadian Network of Innovation in Education conference. It was an excellent event, held at the Chateau Laurier in the centre of Ottawa. Even Brian Mulroney was staying... he was in town to (try to) defend his reputation!

Ottawa is a beautiful city with stunning waterways (lakes and canals and rivers) and as it was Spring and the annual tulip festival there was colour everywhere.

Photos tell a better story so I'll add pics!

View of Parliament buildings with the circular parliamentary library behind
Lunch in the Byward market district with Jessica Goertz, Rob Kelly and Erika Smith

Looking down the Rideau Canal towards the Ottawa River

Anita and Jessica Goertz at the Rideau canal, the Chateau Laurier is behind us.

Visit to Hutterite Village

I will post pictures and a story about our visit to a Hutterite village

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